Hiking Trails

Percursos e Visitas Guiadas

Percursos e Visitas Guiadas ao Património Cársico da Arrábida: Exocarso, Endocarso e Carso Litoral

The routes presented are intended to be a complement and also an extension of the work “Underground Arrábida – Memory of the Depth of Times”, which makes known the cultural and natural heritage that the region's caves represent. Thus, a set of intimate and relaxed routes/visits is proposed, in a group setting, to the karst heritage of the Arrábida Mountain Range – in aspects of the exokarst, coastal karst and endokarst – guided and interpreted by speleologist Rui Francisco, author of the work.

AllExokarstExokarst - CoastalEndokarst - SpeleogenesisEndokarst - Human Past

Hiking Trails

Guided trips through the living landscape of Arrábida.

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